ENCLAVE - East Mostar / Wade Goddard

This exhibition is available on a rental basis

The encirclement and bombardment of east Mostar was well into its fourth month, when I climbed out of the back of a Spanish armoured transporter in the centre of the enclave. East Mostar was what I imagined the Warsaw Ghetto might have been like; the destruction, hunger, misery and squalor were my first observations. After spending more time there, I came to realise the resilience, determination and pride of the population.

Printable version: download PDF


Reference: Proposal for photographic exhibition Enclave - East Mostar / Photographs by Wade Goddard

Definition: Daliy life in the 9 month seige of Mostar’s enclave

Exhibit specifications:
68 Black and white photographs: prints, (matt black wooden frames, no glass)
47 @ Paper 50 x 66 cm (includes 1 text panel)
22 @ Paper 70 x 95 cm

Captions (printed underneath image) and text panel are in English; available translations French, Italian, German, Spanish

Space Desired: 70 linear meters

Calendar Availability:

Date and venue of previous shows:
War Photo Limited; Dubrovnik, Croatia - 2012
Nerve Center/The Factory, Derry, NI - 2014

Crate Sizes

Crate 1 = 99 x 61 x 76 cm 52kgs
Crate 2 = 97 x 61 x 76 cm 50kgs
Crate 3 = 106 x 49 x 80 cm 40kgs
Crate 4 = 106 x 45 x 80 cm 38kgs

Book available - 24 x 24cm - 68 images - 64 pages


Contact Person:
Wade Goddard
WhatsApp:+385 98 367467